I am posting two videos today. They provide the best explanation of my charges about corruption within the New York City school system.
I wish to make it clear that the difficulties I have encountered in trying to get these charges investigated stem from corruption in the middle management level of city government. People in the Chancellor’s Office, the Corporation Counsel, District 75’s Central Office and other agencies have helped protect the individual who assaulted the students and me. They also worked overtime to prevent any and all inquiries into the subsequent cover-ups.
Chancellor Klein had promised a thorough investigation into the brutality I and the students experienced. An inquiry was indeed started. However, just as clear evidence of substantial wrongdoing was established, people on the chancellor’s staff quietly put an end to the investigation.
An unfortunate outcome of this manipulation was that the chancellor thought that nothing had been established concerning my allegations. As a result Chancellor Klein was put in the embarrassing position of promoting the person at the center of this inquiry to the post of Deputy Superintendent of District 75 in spite of all the unanswered questions into his trustworthiness.
The first is an introduction into the scandal:
Such Sheninigans !
The second provides some of the necessary documentation of my charges:
Hibernians and Corruption in City Government</
There is lots of documentation to be found on this site. I will be willing to direct any reader to the specific places where an item is documented.
I will also be glad to answer any questions you might have.
So leave a comment or a question and I will get back to you.
Also, people have asked that I detail the nature of my assaults and the brain injuries I suffered. I have tried to discuss it on camera, but find it much too strong and overwhelming for me to discuss in a professional manner at this time.
Fortunately, my late partner, Al, put together a PowerPoint presentation using my medical records.
What Happened to Larry Hayes, by Al Cashdollar
He finished it shortly before he died.
When he relized the danger I was wandering around the city lost in the dementia brought on by the TBI - Traumatic Brain Injury, he gave up full-time work to take care of me.
He went through bankrupcy because of me and the stress of setback after setback brought on coronary problems, then diabetes, and eventually death. He dropped dead trying to dress me one morning.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Larry Hayes Introduction to a Scandal - VIDEO
This Video tells about the cover-ups and scandal:
DOCUMENTATION can be found on this site:
DOCUMENTATION can be found on this site:
Friday, September 18, 2009
How to reach the Mayor and the Chancellor
For either one just dial 311 or 212-NEW-YORK outside of the city
or write:
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
Chancellor Klein can also be reached at(718) 935-2000
or write:
Chancellor Klein
Tweed Courthouse
52 Chambers Street
New York, NY 10007
It is heartbreaking watching what Mayor Bloomberg and Chancellor are going through trying to reform our dysfunctional school system. Looking into the cover up and the corruption would be the best place to start.
or write:
Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
Chancellor Klein can also be reached at(718) 935-2000
or write:
Chancellor Klein
Tweed Courthouse
52 Chambers Street
New York, NY 10007
It is heartbreaking watching what Mayor Bloomberg and Chancellor are going through trying to reform our dysfunctional school system. Looking into the cover up and the corruption would be the best place to start.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
AFFIDAVATE in Support of my Charges
My brother, John, asked to see some of the documents I make reference to in my writing. With my TBI my communication is often elliptical - I skip over relevant information.
So here is a sample of the letter I have sent to the mayor, chancellor and other officials:
Here is a copy of the affidavit which accompanies each of these letters:
in support of the charges against
Kevin McCormack of the New York Department of Education
Dudley Thompson of the Corporation Counsel, City of New York
Copy of the signed and sworn document sent to your office May 3, 2009
So here is a sample of the letter I have sent to the mayor, chancellor and other officials:
I am filing this complaint against two city employees, Kevin McCormack of the New York Department of Education and Dudley Thompson of the New York Corporation Counsel.
These men conspired to defraud me on or before June 4, 2003.
My former principal, Mr. McCormack took the witness stand and gave false testimony, presented fraudulent documents and admitted not knowing the first thing about being a principal.
The testimony was so absurd it is clear that it was never vetted by the Department of Education as required. He was a Supervising Principal and knew that all testimony had to be “cleared by headquarters” Back when he was a school principal he always told employees under him to go down to the General Counsel’s Office before even going for a deposition.
It is also clear that Mr. Thompson, never notified the Chancellor’s General Counsel, Michael Best. Mr. Best even stated that there was no testimony that day by anyone at the Department of Education; he knows Mr. Thompson and Mr. Thompson knows all testimony has to be okayed the DOE’s legal staff. In fact, Mr. Thompson always notifies him personally!
How could either Mr. Thompson or Mr. McCormack go ahead and skip over this vital step and think they could get away with it?
As I outline in my enclosed affidavit, they had to feel confident that they were free to keep this testimony secret, because they knew the other one was also keeping quiet. They relied on the other’s secrecy, and this constitutes a conspiracy.
I had also filed complaints about the judge in the case, who permitted this testimony among other missteps. A few months ago the Committee on Judicial Conduct looked into my allegations but found that my former attorneys did not want to criticize a sitting judge.
However, the Chief Investigator, Roger Schwarz, told me that what happened between the city’s attorney and that principal constituted a conspiracy. He told me to report it to the DA because the Statute of Limitations on Conspiracy to Commit Fraud is very long.
After repeated letters to the DA’s Office they finally referred me to your office.
Please know that besides the DA I have tried every route I could find to .bring this cover-up into the light of day.
Betsy Gotbaum cornered the Chancellor at a public event and told him about this principal’s bizarre testimony. Chancellor Klein personally promised me an investigation and he did his best to see that there was one. He sent off a stern letter to Michael Best, the General Counsel to the Chancellor, and asked why there had been no investigation of such outrageous behavior. He ordered him to start one.
Still nothing happened for several months. Finally a new attorney started working at the office, Ms.Courtney Jackson-Chasen. They dumped the case on her. She interviewed me at length on the telephone. I sent her piles of confidential medical records and psychological reports concerning my injury. She acquainted herself with the appropriate rules, regulations and the New York State Education Laws. Progress was being made at last!
However, once her superiors in the Chancellor’s General Counsel’s Office found out that Ms. Jackson-Chasen was starting to ask embarrassing questions Mr. Best quickly took the investigation away from her.
So, while I am asking your office to investigate these two individuals. You might also ask Mr. Best what made him shut down that investigation. You might also ask Richard Condon’s Office why no one was interested in investigating my allegations of corruption, but chose instead to forward them to people who do not investigate such matters.
The reason an investigation is important at this time is that if you can find the people who had these two men act in consort you will expose the systematic corruption in School District 75. It was set up as the “Chancellor’s District” to keep it free from the politics in community control. Instead people like Kevin McCormack get almost automatic promotions and are appointed to posts over better qualified candidates.
Kevin McCormack was totally inappropriate for the Manhattan Occupational Center. Several times I had to tell him not to ask teachers how retarded they thought a student was right in front of the students.
At the time I was assaulted I had already reported him for misappropriating funds meant for the students to refurbish his office. I was also pressing him about other missing money. I had complained about my assailant brutalizing his young students. I expect those complaints to go to right to the state.
Instead that teacher goes after me. He stalked me. Then he publicly harassed me. He even had his students yell insults at me. And the principal does nothing. Then this guy jumps me from behind, plummets me about the classroom, and the principal does nothing. Kevin McCormack has a pile of grievances from where he failed to report other assaults, why not this one?
This teacher is emboldened with what he got away with. After all he jumped me from behind and plummeted around the room before I could get to my feet, and the principal covered it up for him. Now this teacher, crazed by the use of illegal steroids, feels free to attack me again in front of students, this principal covers it up
I am left with Traumatic Brain Injury, tendons that have to be stapled back on my bones, fractured vertebrae and chronic pain for the rest of my life, it was a just a minor incident. No need to report anything. We sat around and laughed it off, he says in court! Kevin McCormack is rid of me and the questions I was asking, and ready for his next promotion.
The committee to choose a new principal for our school met with the administrators at the District 75 Office. They were told they had to select Mr. McCormack. They objected because he had never worked with a mentally retarded population. They were told that he was only going to be at the school a few years and then he’d be moving up to the a job at the district office and that would be good for the school!
For too long corrupt politicians, such as Mario Biaggi, have had their say in the running of District 75. I think it is time that the best qualified people get into the positions of power. The 21st Century is too late a time for Tammany Hall to be still running things in New York!
Here is a copy of the affidavit which accompanies each of these letters:
in support of the charges against
Kevin McCormack of the New York Department of Education
Dudley Thompson of the Corporation Counsel, City of New York
Copy of the signed and sworn document sent to your office May 3, 2009
On or before June 4,2003 Mr. Kevin McCormack entered into an agreement, either spoken or tacit, with Mr. Dudley Thompson to defraud the Supreme Court of New York State, the jury seated at this trial, and Mr. Lawrence Hayes.
Both knew that they were responsible to notify Mr. McCormack’s employer the New York Department of Education (DOE) of Mr. McCormack’s pending testimony, yet each failed to notify the New York Department of Education as required. This took some form of coordination.
Each had great experience in court appearances by employees of the Department of Education. Dudley Thompson had represented the DOE many times. Each and every time an employee was to testify he made sure that the DOE knew about the upcoming court date and that all these employees went down to the Chancellor’s General Counsel’s Office to have the testimony and the evidence to be presented vetted by the DOE’s lawyers.
When the Chancellor’s chief attorney, Mr. Michael Best, was told that Mr. McCormack had testified at this trial he was baffled. He checked the date: “There was no testimony by anyone at the DOE that day. Dudley Thompson always makes it a point to notify me personally beforehand. There was no testimony the date you gave me. There was no trial.”
Kevin McCormack definitely knew that he was required to notify the Chancellor’s General Counsel’s Office. He had testified in court many times and knew what was required. As principal he had sent many other employees under him down to the General Counsel’s Office before they were to testify.
When he testified Mr. McCormack was no longer a school principal; he had been appointed Supervising Principal. Expertise in all the regulations and routines a principal must know was a necessary job-requirement. It was his job to make sure that the new principals under his supervision new and followed such regulations and routines.
Each knew he had the responsibility to notify the General Counsel’s Office and did not. Each knew that the other was also required to notify that office. The DOE wanted to be sure everything went smoothly for each court appearance by every one of its employees.
The attorney representing the City could not risk not notifying the General Counsel’s Office if he were not absolutely sure the other person who was required to notify them had not done so.
The man representing the DOE also could not have risked his job by not notifying them he was to appear in court, unless he knew the other person who was required to notify them had not done so.
Thus, they worked in tandem. 1.
Why was such cooperation necessary? Both Mr. McCormack and Mr. Thompson knew that Kevin McCormack’s testimony would never pass examination by the General Counsel’s Office. It would get them both in trouble.
No one, for example, would ever authorize Kevin McCormack to state that he was not familiar with the Chancellor’s Regulations on how to report an assault in a school in 1996. After all, the chancellor, Raymond Cortines, had just been ousted in 1995 for not requiring all principals to strictly follow these rules and regulations.
Also, anyone at the DOE would know that copies of these regulations were regularly distributed and discussed at the meetings of principals and of teachers each year – for decades.
Further, given the excessive number of grievances brought against Mr. McCormack based for failing to report many other assaults as required by these regulations made it impossible to swear that he “was not familiar with them.”
Would anybody at the DOE let him present such bogus evidence such as a letter of reprimand he claimed to be from the official file of the Mr. Hayes’ assailant? That person was no longer in that school when the letter was written on June 11, 1996.. They would also have seen that it was never signed by the assailant and could not legally be placed in that official file without his signature.
Also they would have certainly asked Mr. McCormack why there were no witness statements. There were two assaults both in front of staff members and the second in front of a room of terrified emotionally disturbed young girls. A handwritten witness statement from each witness is required by law.
They would also stop him from presenting into evidence the letter he propertied to be an actual witness statement. It was typed by someone and signed by a Mr. Ayalew. But, it does not qualify as a witness statement. Mullah Ayalew is an Ethiopian immigrant who had little command of written language; he’d have difficulty even reading this statement let alone writing it.
Because of all the prior frauds pulled off by administrators over the years by creating phony “witness statements” and badgering staff into signing them, the law requires that witnesses in schools write out these statements in their own hands. No one at the DOE would even let Mr. McCormack bring such a bogus document near a courtroom.
Also, the people at the DOE would want the reports I wrote out after each attack. Where are they? Most never made it into the court!
Also, looking at the reports that did survive they would have to ask Kevin McCormack why these reports were never forwarded to the General Counsel’s Office. It would have led to an investigation of Kevin McCormack’s high-handed disregard for the duties of a principal, and would make it impossible to let him give such bizarre testimony and present such bogus evidence.
Thus, these two men conspired together. It is not necessary for people to formally agree for there to be an agreement, it can even be unspoken.
A criminal conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to do an unlawful act. In this case it is alleged that there was a common unlawful agreement to defraud, by the use of false documents, withheld and/or destroyed documents, false claims, and perjured testimony by Mr. Kevin McCormack, then a Supervising Principal for School District 75, and Mr. Dudley Thompson, then an attorney for the New York City Corporation Council at the Civil Trial:Lawrence Hayes vs the NY City Department of Education June 2003.
This fraud was both:
1.) Intrinsic Fraud by the use of:
Intentionally false representation
False documents
Withheld and/or destroyed documents
False claims
Perjured testimony
Obstruction of Justice
In order to deceive the Court and the jury.
2.) Extrinsic Fraud in that the use of:
Intentionally false representation
False documents
Withheld and/or destroyed documents
False claims
Perjured testimony
Obstruction of Justice
To deny the plaintive, Lawrence Hayes, the right to a full and fair hearing.
After, Mr. Dudley Thompson had finished with Kevin McCormack’s fraudulent presentation to the court; the lawyers for Mr. Hayes began to press him for a quick settlement. They felt that in spite of it self-contradictions, inconsistency and questionable “evidence” Kevin McCormack had swayed the jury.
A poll of several jurors afterwards showed that he had indeed convinced them.
Mr. Hayes was awarded a small settlement only for injuries to his left shoulder, which had been repaired by surgery.
There was no consideration of his the other damages inflicted on Mr. Hayes. He had been pinned between two large, steel doors by his assailant who threw himself against them full force with drop-kicks
He had considerably more bodily injuries such as the two compression fractures to his spine from where his back was crushed by the handle of one of the doors, the broken cervical vertebrae that had to be fused , and the chronic pain and spasms that will need round-the-clock narcotic medication for the rest of his life.
Nor was there any consideration in determining damages of the severe Traumatic Brain Injuries Mr. Hayes received. by having his head smashed from both sides again and again at different angles.
The TBI has caused blurry double-double vision (double-diplopia) , depression, difficulty concentrating or thinking, difficulty finding words or understanding the speech of others (aphasia), difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). dizziness, headache, poor coordination of movement, lightheadedness. loss of balance, difficulty walking, loss of memory, muscle stiffness and/or spasms, sleep difficulties, vertigo, and Slowness in thinking, speaking, acting, or reading.
Mr. Hayes has had to endure the loss of many long friendships because of the difficult for others to deal with his getting lost or easily confused, feeling tired all of the time, having no energy or motivation; and mood changes (feeling sad or angry for no reason). He personally feels that the stress and strain of trying to be caregiver led to the premature demise of his domestic partner of 24 years.
1. Due to the secretive nature of a conspiracy, the government need not prove a formal agreement but can demonstrate its existence through circumstantial evidence or by inference from defendants' actions.
A conspiracy to commit an offence is an inchoate offence in the sense that it is complete without the doing of any act save the act of agreeing to commit the offence: R v Rogerson (1992) 174 CLR 268, 279.
Evidence of acts following the agreement may be the only available proof that the agreement was made, but it is the agreement and not the evidence of the acts that constitutes the offence: R v Gudgeon (1995) 133 ALR 379, 389.
All participants in a conspiracy are deemed responsible for each of the acts and declarations of the others, People v. Rastelli, 37 NY2d 240, 244 (1975); Martin, Capra and Rossi, New York Evidence Handbook Section at 720 (2d ed)
A conspiracy consists of an agreement to commit an underlying crime , coupled with an overt act committed by one of the conspirators in furtherance of the conspiracy (Penal Law Section Section 105.15, 105.20),
The Supreme Court has described the gravity of the conspiracy offense: 2.
For two or more to confederate and combine together to commit or cause to be committed a breach of the criminal laws, is an offense of the gravest character, sometimes quite outweighing, in injury to the public, the mere commission of the contemplated crime.
It involves deliberate plotting to subvert the laws, educating and preparing the conspirators for further and habitual criminal practices. And it is characterized by secrecy, rendering it difficult of detection, requiring more time for its discovery, and adding to the importance of punishing it when discovered.
2. Pinkerton v. United States, 328 U.S. 640, 644 (1946) (quoting United States v. Rabinowich, 238 U.S. 78. 88 (1915)).
See also Developments, supra note 6, at 924-25 Stating that because of "antisocial potentialities" of conspiracy and the likelihood that additional substantive offenses will result, the state has strong interest in stamping out conspiracy.
State of New York
County of New York
Personally came before me, the undersigned Notary, the within named
Lawrence P. Hayes, who is a resident of New York County, State of
New York, and makes his/her statement and General Affidavit upon oath and affirmation of belief and personal knowledge that the following matters, facts, and things set forth are true and correct to the best of his/her knowledge:
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Current Situation

I have written both the mayor and the chancellor many times about this issue and never get a reply. Chancellor Klein had demanded a full investigation of these matters, but people in his General Counsel’s Office quickly squelched it.
The chancellor had been adamant that inquiry was needed, and I seriously doubt that he knows that it had been terminated. I had listed complaints against my former principal for destruction of official records, obstruction of justice and other crimes. This man was then appointed Deputy Superintendent of District 75 by the chancellor himself. He must have thought the investigation found this man innocent.
This man has been rewarded for his Gross Incompetence with promotion after promotion. Other more qualified candidates were passed over so this man could advance his career.
We need to root out some of the corruption that runs through
District 75, the Department of Education and the rest of NY city government – to do this we need to find out how come both my assaults and the subsequent cover-ups have never been properly investigated.
I want to know how the
homophobic racist maniacwho attacked me can be returned to the classroom. I want to know how a principal could destroy official records, concoct false documents, lie under oath in order to continue this cover up, and never be questioned by any of the people charged with investigating such wrongdoing.
I am pressing my case because I feel that city investigators have bought into the worst stereotypes of gay people. And, I am making it my business to make sure this never happens again!
The people who have covered this have no regard for the mayor or the chancellor. They have no regard for the people of New York City. The fact is that they are more than willing to put the children of New York at risk.
The individual who assaulted me was removed from the school and sent to the district office. But once there, the administrators wanted him out of the district office because they were afraid of him; he was stalking women who worked there and menacing anybody who crossed his path the wrong way. They wanted this person - of whom THEY were afraid - back in the classroom working with children ASAP!
How could I be assaulted twice in front of many witnesses and it has been totally ignored??? I filed the complaints with the police. Shaking with pain I dutifully filled out and filed appropriate Incident and Accident Forms. I filed my handwritten witness statement as required by law.
No one cares to investigate why there are no other appropriate witness statements collected by the principal as required by law?
Many of these critical documents are missing, yet no one asks who took or destroyed them?
How could a principal be allowed to mislead a police investigation by using vulgar homophobic stereotypes to mislead the DA’s Office?
Kevin McCormack violated every one of the Chancellor’s Regulations on reporting school violence, yet no one has ever even questioned him on the matter? He even swore under oath that he was not familiar with these well-known regulations even though he was a Supervising Principal?
This same Supervising Principal swore he did not know what the responsibilities of a principal regarding the safety of students and staff, yet he was soon afterwards promoted to the post of Deputy Superintendent????
How could a principal be allowed to mislead a police investigation by using vulgar homophobic stereotypes and use them again and again to mislead the DA’s Office?
Has no one in New York City Government ever heard of Obstruction of Justice?
I need to also know why no one has investigated this extensive series of subsequent cover-ups.
The attorney who represented the Corporation Counsel’s Office in defense of the city HAD to be in collaboration with Kevin McCormack in order to let him present such bogus evidence and such bizarre testimony at my civil case.
Both Mr. Thompson and Mr. McCormack never notified the DOE that there was to be a court hearing as required by law.
Thus, Kevin McCormack could fabricate implausible versions of events surrounding my two gay-bashings and not have his testimony vetted by anybody at the DOE, because anybody with any knowledge of educational policy would have thrown both this principal and this lawyer right out of the building.
Has no one in New York City Government ever heard of Conspiracy to Commit Fraud?
The Chancellor’s Chief Counsel received a sharp letter of reprimand from Chancellor Klein after Betsy Gotbaum informed the Chancellor about the continued cover-up of my gay bashing. As I have noted above, there was an investigation started... STARTED.
Once progress was made the Michael Best stopped all further investigation.
The chancellor was then led to believe that this principal had been cleared – so the chancellor was duped into appointing this guy to the post of Deputy Superintendent of District 75
Oh YES, 75 is “The Chancellor’s District” !
Why weren’t the Chancellor’s clear orders followed? Has no one in New York City Government ever heard of Insubordination and Conspiracy to Commit Fraud?
Finally the DOI
If cronyism is behind his refusal to investigate Kevin McCormack and Michael Best, he is the worst offender of the bunch. This is a complete betrayal of Trust!
The chief investigator for corruption at the Department of Education, Richard Condon, has for years treated my complaints and accusations as material for what amounts to a practical joke. Each time my letters wind up on his desk he forwards them to a department that has no jurisdiction over charges of corruption; the DOE's Office of Special Investigations mainly deals with corporal punishment and verbal abuse !
I have spoken to Mr. Hyland and others in OSI and they told me that they do NOT investigate such things as cover-ups and malfeasance by administrators.
When I asked Mr. Condon why his office repeatedly sends my complaints to an office that is not equipped to investigate it, he sent me a letter stating that his decisions were at his discretion and he does not have to explain them to others.
Has no one in New York City Government ever heard of Edward F. Stancik???
Perhaps by passing on this information both the mayor and the chancellor may see that having a real Board of Education acting as advocates for our children will enable them to have ALL the information they need to properly run the schools.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Felix Culpa
Congratulations to all our borough presidents. You have each shown Unity in the face of disaster!
Now it is time to show the mayor that the inclusion of the borough presidents in the decision process for educational reform has great benefits.
1) It is time we admitted that our school system has become unmanageable.
Each borough president’s office can serve as the troubleshooter for matters of education policy. Each borough president’s office can serve as the troubleshooter for matters of education policy.
Your offices could cite programs that are working in your boroughs hand help them be replicated throughout the system.
Initiatives such as those taken by Helen Marshall, Queens BP, which have dramatically reduced class size and reduced overcrowding in her borough will become even more effective as the other borough presidents take on this issue with unified action.
2) Strength comes from united action. However, unity is strongest when there is a diversity of opinion! And it might just restore us to sanity!
Ideas become strengthened as people of differing views see a common need and work in unity to achieve these goals.
3) While each of you might agree on general principles such as one put forward by the Brooklyn BP “Parents must have a say in their children’s education. It will not only strengthen public participation ⎯ it will ensure that we continue to improve student outcomes”!
4) There will be different assessments on implementation. There should be!
For example Marty Markowitz believes that “one of the most successful accomplishments to come out of mayoral control is school-based parent coordinators”.
5) Others while seeing the establishment of school-based parent coordinators as a step forward might still see shortcomings.An investigation by Scott Stringer, Manhattan BP, has revealed, for example, that the Department of Education has failed to provide the legally-mandated support and training for parents serving on Community Education Councils.
6) So by airing differences the Board might eventually follow Scott Stringer initiative, and exert pressure to provide the CECs with the resources and training which will allow them to do their work.
7) Despite the placement of a parent coordinator in every school, the creation of CECs, and the hiring of a Chief Family Engagement Officer, the Manhattan BP sees that there continues to be wide-spread sentiment that parental and public involvement is not a priority.
8) I would go even further and suggest that the borough presidents look for innovative ways that students can have a stronger voice in their education. I remember that there was a very effective student board that used to meet regularly with the previous chancellors to work toward the goals the students saw as a common need.
9) Each and every school in New York City could be turned into a Green House of Democracy. By learning to help make the decisions that shape the culture of a particular school, students will learn skills that will carry over to later life. As the years go by, students will learn the joys of taking on real responsibilities and working with others to achieve realistic goals.
10) They will learn the communication and networking skills they will need to advance in the 21st Century job market. They will actually be creating communities of shared values. People worry about the students “lack of respect” but what respect do we show them - if all the decisions are handed down to them from on high? How can we expect them to develop self-esteem if they are not trusted to have a say in how their schools are run.
11) And what might we learn from these students… well, we might just learn how to run a school. Recent studies show that even in elite private schools up to 70% of a teacher’s time is actually taken up with maintaining order and keeping the class under control. Truth is I have seen better ratios in some of our system’s schools – even with hard to manage populations. But we never hear of these successes, worse we never get a chance to have them replicated.
12) Believe me, the students know what works. And if they had a chance they’d help us set up systems that work. Besides the waste of so much valuable teaching time – can you remember how boring it is to have teachers who have to spend so much time trying to maintain order???
Using their social networking skills and their tech savvy today’s students could help transform schools from factories of learning to thriving communities. BUT, only if they are let in on the action!
The borough presidents must fight for greater transparency.
There may well be wide-spread agreement by the Board to follow through on the demand by Brooklyn BP, Marty Markowitz, for the creation of an independent education office that will provide non-partisan reporting and analysis of the combined $18 billion capital and operations budgets, and also provide a complete analysis of student outcomes
I would also suggest that it is NOW the time to return to an independent Department of Investigation for our school system.
For years I have tried to get Richard Condon’s office to look into a long-standing scandal in the school system. It involves corruption, patronage and outright malfeasance. But these charges keep getting sidetracked even as the betrayal of the public trust spreads.
You office could serve as a funnel for information the mayor and the chancellor need to know, but might not otherwise make it to their desks.
Now it is time to show the mayor that the inclusion of the borough presidents in the decision process for educational reform has great benefits.
1) It is time we admitted that our school system has become unmanageable.
Each borough president’s office can serve as the troubleshooter for matters of education policy. Each borough president’s office can serve as the troubleshooter for matters of education policy.
Your offices could cite programs that are working in your boroughs hand help them be replicated throughout the system.
Initiatives such as those taken by Helen Marshall, Queens BP, which have dramatically reduced class size and reduced overcrowding in her borough will become even more effective as the other borough presidents take on this issue with unified action.
2) Strength comes from united action. However, unity is strongest when there is a diversity of opinion! And it might just restore us to sanity!
Ideas become strengthened as people of differing views see a common need and work in unity to achieve these goals.
3) While each of you might agree on general principles such as one put forward by the Brooklyn BP “Parents must have a say in their children’s education. It will not only strengthen public participation ⎯ it will ensure that we continue to improve student outcomes”!
4) There will be different assessments on implementation. There should be!
For example Marty Markowitz believes that “one of the most successful accomplishments to come out of mayoral control is school-based parent coordinators”.
5) Others while seeing the establishment of school-based parent coordinators as a step forward might still see shortcomings.An investigation by Scott Stringer, Manhattan BP, has revealed, for example, that the Department of Education has failed to provide the legally-mandated support and training for parents serving on Community Education Councils.
6) So by airing differences the Board might eventually follow Scott Stringer initiative, and exert pressure to provide the CECs with the resources and training which will allow them to do their work.
7) Despite the placement of a parent coordinator in every school, the creation of CECs, and the hiring of a Chief Family Engagement Officer, the Manhattan BP sees that there continues to be wide-spread sentiment that parental and public involvement is not a priority.
8) I would go even further and suggest that the borough presidents look for innovative ways that students can have a stronger voice in their education. I remember that there was a very effective student board that used to meet regularly with the previous chancellors to work toward the goals the students saw as a common need.
9) Each and every school in New York City could be turned into a Green House of Democracy. By learning to help make the decisions that shape the culture of a particular school, students will learn skills that will carry over to later life. As the years go by, students will learn the joys of taking on real responsibilities and working with others to achieve realistic goals.
10) They will learn the communication and networking skills they will need to advance in the 21st Century job market. They will actually be creating communities of shared values. People worry about the students “lack of respect” but what respect do we show them - if all the decisions are handed down to them from on high? How can we expect them to develop self-esteem if they are not trusted to have a say in how their schools are run.
11) And what might we learn from these students… well, we might just learn how to run a school. Recent studies show that even in elite private schools up to 70% of a teacher’s time is actually taken up with maintaining order and keeping the class under control. Truth is I have seen better ratios in some of our system’s schools – even with hard to manage populations. But we never hear of these successes, worse we never get a chance to have them replicated.
12) Believe me, the students know what works. And if they had a chance they’d help us set up systems that work. Besides the waste of so much valuable teaching time – can you remember how boring it is to have teachers who have to spend so much time trying to maintain order???
Using their social networking skills and their tech savvy today’s students could help transform schools from factories of learning to thriving communities. BUT, only if they are let in on the action!
The borough presidents must fight for greater transparency.
There may well be wide-spread agreement by the Board to follow through on the demand by Brooklyn BP, Marty Markowitz, for the creation of an independent education office that will provide non-partisan reporting and analysis of the combined $18 billion capital and operations budgets, and also provide a complete analysis of student outcomes
I would also suggest that it is NOW the time to return to an independent Department of Investigation for our school system.
For years I have tried to get Richard Condon’s office to look into a long-standing scandal in the school system. It involves corruption, patronage and outright malfeasance. But these charges keep getting sidetracked even as the betrayal of the public trust spreads.
You office could serve as a funnel for information the mayor and the chancellor need to know, but might not otherwise make it to their desks.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Without a FULL INQUIRY all reform is futile!

How do you fight City Hall when it turns out to be Tammany Hall??????
The mayor is truly a good man! He is sincere. He wants educational reform to be his legacy.
Both our mayor and his chancellor have made serious sacrifices to help the children of New York City!
Yet, their legacies will come to nothing if the reforms they try to institute are not protected.
There is a spiritual adage: Half measures availed us nothing.
Unless Mayor Bloomberg and Chancellor Klein look into this scandal and root out all the corruption - these scoundrels and their successors will win out!
Who are the folks who have continuely promoted Kevin McCormack’s career in District 75?
Even the people who supervised his student teaching when he was at NYU felt McCormack unfit to be in the classroom with children. They were told they HAD to pass him, but that he would spend little time in the classroom he was being groomed for bigger things. Who was grooming him? Why was his rise to power pre-ordained even before he started teaching?
McCormack was removed from his position at the School for the Deaf in part because of protests by the parents. Why did district 75 decide he’d do better at a school totally unrelated to his teacher training? Why were they able to promise the MOTC Principal Selection Committee that he would only be at the school for a minimum of time because he was moving on to “bigger things” at the district office?
If he were so incompetent - as he testified under oath - that he did not even know basic things such as the Chancellor’s Regulations on reporting school violence, how was he selected to be Supervising Principal by District 75?
With the pile of grievances against him for refusing to report school violence how was he selected to become Deputy Superintendent for District 75?
Who stopped the investigation into Kevin McCormack’s corruption which the chancellor himself ordered? What was the chancellor told the outcome was of this inquiry?
It is very disconcerting that with all the uncertainty concerning Kevin McCormack’s integrity that the chancellor would go ahead and appoint him to the post of Deputy Superintendent of District 75!
Who are the people behind the continuing cover-up of Kevin McCormack’s corruption?
Why have they pushed him ahead of more qualified candidates for promotion after promotion?
Without a FULL INQUIRY all reform is futile!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Best bests Klein -

This all started with an investigation into a series of gay bashings at a NYC public school. But one thing led to another and now we can see who pulls the strings at the New York City Department of Education.
How could they get away with it in one of the most “liberal” cities, and right in the heart of Greenwich Village itself? It appears for all the reforms NY City is still in the grips of 19th Century political machines.
I have emailed, called and written Chancellor Klein and other city officials time and again, and have never had any response. If any of you can get around the “gatekeepers” for Michael Bloomberg or Chancellor Klein it would be greatly appreciated!
The system of patronage and malfeasance that led to McCormack’s phenomenal rise to power has also taken on the task of protecting him. It has a venerable linage which extends way back over the ages.
The people who have helped Kevin McCormack are in direct apostolic succession right back to the grubby little hands of Boss Tweed.
The charges of corruption and malfeasance hardly stood in the way of Kevin McCormack’s ascension to the pinnacles of power in District 75 – the Chancellor’s District!
Yes, I and others had brought charges against Kevin McCormack for misappropriation of funds, covering up assaults on staff and students, perjury, destroying official records, creating bogus records and other assorted pranks. But he was the fair-haired boy of those quaint little Ancient Hibernians so what the Hell!
I bet the Chancellor would laugh if he knew the prank these Hibernians pulled off !
Our Public Advocate, Betsy Gotbaum, was the only official in city government who had the guts to tell the chancellor what was being done in his name. Chancellor Klein looked into the matter and was outraged that there could be an on-going cover-up of two gay-bashings and all sorts of malfeasance bu Kevin McCormack and his cronies. He wrote Michael Best a sharp letter of criticism and demanded an immediate investigation.
Kevin McCormack's cronies at the Chancellor's Office quickly put a halt to this on-going investigation into McCormack’s various shenanigans mid-summer 2006.
Chancellor Klein was somehow convinced that Kevin McCormack had somehow been cleared of the uninvestigated charges. The Chancellor elevated McCormack to the post of Deputy Superintendent for District 75.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Traumatic Brain Injury

If you are interested in learning more asbout what it is like to live with a Traumatic Brain Injury please visit our Blog:
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Fourth of July 2009
This is the Fourth of July. I think it is time to focus on having a government that is responsible to the needs of the people - ALL THE PEOPLE!
corruption New York City,
hate crime,
Lev Dassin
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
July 1, 2009 NYC BOE is back!

Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr (Les Guêpes, January 1849).
The more we think things change, the more we are deranged.
Larry Hayes (RottenRottenRotten, July 1, 2009)
What is that line of Robert Preston in Victor Victoria???
Sadly the lawyers take over in New York City!" Michael Bloomberg
Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr (Les Guêpes, January 1849).
The more we think things change, the more we are deranged.
Larry Hayes (RottenRottenRotten, July 1, 2009)
What is that line of Robert Preston in Victor Victoria???
Fantastic! A Board of Education pretending"
to be a Department of Education
pretending to be a Board of Ed.
Sadly the lawyers take over in New York City!" Michael Bloomberg
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Shouldn’t it be about the children?
Last night on NY 1, Dominic Carter gave another one of his terrific interviews during The Road to City Hall. He asked several politically savvy politicos about the current brinkmanship currently being carried out in our state capital.
He paused and asked: “Tell me, is it all about the Power? Shouldn’t it be about the children? Is it all about who has the power to pick someone to be principal who couldn’t lead five people out of a room?”
Unfortunately that’s what it is ALL about, and not just in Albany!
I have pointed out how many forces control what goes on in District 75. Beyond the Hibernians there are Democratic political clubhouses in the north of Manhattan and in the Bronx that help decided who will get promoted and to where.
But there are also factions within factions that help shape the destiny of the children in District 75.
When I was a teacher-trainer assigned to make educational videos at the district office, I shared my room with many other bureaucrats.
One day when the rest were off to yet another meeting, I sat at a desk trying to edit down some footage on my little Amiga. I heard someone weeping behind me. I turned. There was a very attractive African-American woman standing just inside the door. I turned on the volume control so she would realize that she was not alone.
She looked at me and apologized: “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize there was anybody in here.”
I asked if there were something I could do.
She told me that she had just started working at the district office as a school secretary a few weeks before. She had spent two decades in the military. She began to cry again:
Only a few weeks there and she had the place figured out.
He paused and asked: “Tell me, is it all about the Power? Shouldn’t it be about the children? Is it all about who has the power to pick someone to be principal who couldn’t lead five people out of a room?”
Unfortunately that’s what it is ALL about, and not just in Albany!
I have pointed out how many forces control what goes on in District 75. Beyond the Hibernians there are Democratic political clubhouses in the north of Manhattan and in the Bronx that help decided who will get promoted and to where.
But there are also factions within factions that help shape the destiny of the children in District 75.
When I was a teacher-trainer assigned to make educational videos at the district office, I shared my room with many other bureaucrats.
One day when the rest were off to yet another meeting, I sat at a desk trying to edit down some footage on my little Amiga. I heard someone weeping behind me. I turned. There was a very attractive African-American woman standing just inside the door. I turned on the volume control so she would realize that she was not alone.
She looked at me and apologized: “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize there was anybody in here.”
I asked if there were something I could do.
She told me that she had just started working at the district office as a school secretary a few weeks before. She had spent two decades in the military. She began to cry again:
I don’t understand what goes on around here! It is like one person is always undermining someone else. I worked under some pretty bad conditions in the military… but I have never seen anything like this!
Only a few weeks there and she had the place figured out.
Dominic Carter,
NY 1,
The Road to City Hall
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Now the teacher that assaulted me had already been quite hostile toward me for some while.
e.g. He refused to acknowledge my greetings.
Refused to answer any of my questions
Turned away if I tried to speak to him.
Spoke of me in the third person in my presence.
After all, he felt that it was I who took away the funds that were allocated for his computers and other supplies. (Never mind that it was I who had brought numerous complaints about Kevin McCormack’s misallocation of student funds) He was convinced that somehow I had gotten his funds for MY students.
Further, the computers that had been taken from my computer lab and placed into his classroom kept having problems. Students, for example, had set up little programs that played obscene sounds whenever certain keys were touched. The students were not properly supervised at the computers and they kept needing repairs – most of these repairs were done by me on my own time.
He accused me of giving him my broken computers, even though it was Beverley Kolstein at the District Office who decided what computers were to be taken from my computer lab to make up for the computers that never appeared thanks to Kevin McCormack’s knack of redirecting money meant to go to the students into his own projects, such as refurbishing his office or getting new executive chairs for all the people assigned to out-of-classroom positions under his watch.
But what really sent Michael Hicks over the top – besides the illegal steroids he had been using to “bulk up” - was the great humiliation I caused him at a social gathering I did not even attend.
There was a staff party just before spring break in 1996. Apparently Mr. Hicks was intoxicated. He began making passes at a young teacher, Deidre Mc Gowan. She gingerly fended him off several times. Finally, he screamed at her: “Oh, I forgot you are one of Mr. Hayes’ Bi**ches!”
Many of the women nearby started to laugh at him. And the more he asked them why they were laughing the more they cracked up and would not tell him. Finally, one woman said to him: “Michael, don’t you know Mr. Hayes is Gay?”
The women started laughing at him again. He assumed that because I was supportive of younger teachers, I was doing it to have my way with them!
After, vacation he began stalking and harassing me. When he began using his students to yell at me, I went to the administration. Kevin McCormack did nothing even though getting students involved in bickering violated school policy.
A group of African-American men also complained to Mr. McCormack that Michael Hicks had been referring to me as “Mr. Hayes… that white fa**ot.” He assumed that other black men would not find his racist homophobic comments insulting.
During the first assault in April, Michael Hicks kept silently mouthing the word “Fa**ott” over and over.
Eric Scapetta, the ADA at Robert Morgenthau’s Office refused to consider the possibility that my assaults were hate crimes after Kevin McCormack had poisoned the waters and accused me of being the one who was racially motivated.
e.g. He refused to acknowledge my greetings.
Refused to answer any of my questions
Turned away if I tried to speak to him.
Spoke of me in the third person in my presence.
After all, he felt that it was I who took away the funds that were allocated for his computers and other supplies. (Never mind that it was I who had brought numerous complaints about Kevin McCormack’s misallocation of student funds) He was convinced that somehow I had gotten his funds for MY students.
Further, the computers that had been taken from my computer lab and placed into his classroom kept having problems. Students, for example, had set up little programs that played obscene sounds whenever certain keys were touched. The students were not properly supervised at the computers and they kept needing repairs – most of these repairs were done by me on my own time.
He accused me of giving him my broken computers, even though it was Beverley Kolstein at the District Office who decided what computers were to be taken from my computer lab to make up for the computers that never appeared thanks to Kevin McCormack’s knack of redirecting money meant to go to the students into his own projects, such as refurbishing his office or getting new executive chairs for all the people assigned to out-of-classroom positions under his watch.
But what really sent Michael Hicks over the top – besides the illegal steroids he had been using to “bulk up” - was the great humiliation I caused him at a social gathering I did not even attend.
There was a staff party just before spring break in 1996. Apparently Mr. Hicks was intoxicated. He began making passes at a young teacher, Deidre Mc Gowan. She gingerly fended him off several times. Finally, he screamed at her: “Oh, I forgot you are one of Mr. Hayes’ Bi**ches!”
Many of the women nearby started to laugh at him. And the more he asked them why they were laughing the more they cracked up and would not tell him. Finally, one woman said to him: “Michael, don’t you know Mr. Hayes is Gay?”
The women started laughing at him again. He assumed that because I was supportive of younger teachers, I was doing it to have my way with them!
After, vacation he began stalking and harassing me. When he began using his students to yell at me, I went to the administration. Kevin McCormack did nothing even though getting students involved in bickering violated school policy.
A group of African-American men also complained to Mr. McCormack that Michael Hicks had been referring to me as “Mr. Hayes… that white fa**ot.” He assumed that other black men would not find his racist homophobic comments insulting.
During the first assault in April, Michael Hicks kept silently mouthing the word “Fa**ott” over and over.
Eric Scapetta, the ADA at Robert Morgenthau’s Office refused to consider the possibility that my assaults were hate crimes after Kevin McCormack had poisoned the waters and accused me of being the one who was racially motivated.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Your Tax Dollars at Work !
Michael Hicks was a teacher under stress. He had been promised new computers, a library of books and all sorts of supplies that never showed up. Money had been there. I helped put together several proposals for how the computer money was to be spent.
The money never came through… Never came through to his students, that is! Funny money issues seem to surround Kevin McCormack’s rise to power in District 75.
His class consisted of very junior-high-aged(12-14 yrs) students, classified as Emotionally Handicapped and thrown into a school that was set up to train older (16 to 21yrs) mentally-retarded students how to get jobs. The school was not equipped to handle these students, and the students clearly were not ready to deal with their new setting. These students were terrified that they were being classified as retarded because of their behavior. They began to complain, and to act out.
The situation became so out of hand and was so unfair to these students, that I sent off a letter of complaint to the chancellor stating that this set up was totally inappropriate… may have used the word “bizarre.”
The district got word of my letter. Kevin McCormack was pissed! But, I kept asking McCormack where all the money for these kids had gone. As time went by it became clear that Michael Hicks was convinced that these funds had gone to me and my students.
I was informed by someone from the district office, Beverly Kolestein, that this was actually “Mainstreaming” for these kids.
Mainstreaming used to mean placing handicapped students in regular classrooms with their higher-functioning peers. In District 75, “The Chancellor’s District” as it’s called – mainstreaming could mean anything the herd of paper-pushers at the district office wanted it to mean.
So you had already emotionally-disturbed children being treated in emotionally disturbing ways, they naturally resorted to their primary defense - acting out. You have a school that is not set up for this population. You have a principal who doesn’t know let alone care about anything except his next promotion. Then, you throw in a teacher who’s not properly prepared to meet the needs of these students and you have a volatile situation!
Mr. Hicks often marched his students through the hallways threatening them with a yardstick. He did no individualized instruction. He ran his class like it was the 1950’s with students taking turns doing computations on the blackboard as he chastised their abilities.
He began to let the larger students discipline the younger ones. They would go over to the student making a disruption and wallop them. The tried to do this in my computer lab and I was horrified. I not only put a stop to it, but began having these students create posters on the computer for the school’s Dean of Discipline.
These posters were for violence prevention explaining such methods as the Boil… Simmer… Cool System. They created colorful posters reminding students that they have a right to feel safe in school: No one is allowed to bully or hurt you etc. Mr. Hicks was angry I was working to undermine his authority!
One parent complained to me that her son had recently started beating on his younger siblings at home. I told her what I had seen the older students do to the younger ones to try to keep the class quiet. She was horrified. She wanted to confront Mr. Hicks. I told her to complain to Kevin McCormack, who according to a witness pointed the finger at me when he spoke to Mr. Hicks.
Guidance people eventually told Mr. Hicks to try rewards with these students. So as a “reward” he brought in a violent video game Bucket of Blood. After parent complaints, Mr. Hicks was made to remove this reward from his list of tried-and-true methods. Moreover, as part of a crackdown on what McCormack deemed unprofessional material, I was told to remove any and all computer games from my classroom.
I brought in articles I had written for professional journals showing how I used computer games for teaching on-the-job skills my students would need. I explained how the Board of Education had paid my expenses to present my research on computer games at the New England Educational Research Association Convention.
I had made a name for myself written the code for several games myself. They had proved quite successful with helping my students improve their overall performance. I tried to show how I went in and re-programmed commercial games to teach specific skills e.g. I changed the code in a Frogger-like game so that the students could only use the home keys they need to learn how to type.
An AP tried to intervene and suggested that I might know what I was doing, but she was over-ruled by Kevin McCormack. So I acquiesced, rather than risk charges of insubordination that would be grounds for dismissal. I agreed to remove the games, but kept using them to get students on task.
Michael Hicks was furious when he later found out that I was still getting away using computer games.
By now he was convinced that his computer money had been funneled off by me to run my computer lab. And he felt he found confirmation in the fact that Kevin McCormack began making me give my personal supplies to Mr. Hicks citing the usual shortage of funds because of “new restrictions by the District”
I was generous, even though most of these supplies had been bought from my personal Teachers’ Choice account and squirreled away by me over the years.
Other supplies, such as colored papers, I had bought on my own to meet the needs of my students I willing shared. Mr. Hicks was by now making his animosity toward me quite clear – however – to me meeting the needs of his student.
However, to Michael Hicks this was a sign of my weakness and proved I had taken funds that were rightfully his.
I have always been quite willing to go out of my way to help other teachers. Others had done a lot to help me out early on in my career. Such assistance is not totally free of serving my own self- interests: Problems in another teacher’s classroom have a way of undermining what you are trying to do in your own.
So I have always tried to help other teachers, and this you will see led to my eventual downfall at the hands of Mr. Hicks, with the tacit support of Kevin McCormack and eventually the support of people like Dudley Thompson, Michael Best and Richard Condon.All this will be explained in the next installment on Homophobia which I have saved for this year’s Gay Pride Weekend.
The money never came through… Never came through to his students, that is! Funny money issues seem to surround Kevin McCormack’s rise to power in District 75.
His class consisted of very junior-high-aged(12-14 yrs) students, classified as Emotionally Handicapped and thrown into a school that was set up to train older (16 to 21yrs) mentally-retarded students how to get jobs. The school was not equipped to handle these students, and the students clearly were not ready to deal with their new setting. These students were terrified that they were being classified as retarded because of their behavior. They began to complain, and to act out.
The situation became so out of hand and was so unfair to these students, that I sent off a letter of complaint to the chancellor stating that this set up was totally inappropriate… may have used the word “bizarre.”
The district got word of my letter. Kevin McCormack was pissed! But, I kept asking McCormack where all the money for these kids had gone. As time went by it became clear that Michael Hicks was convinced that these funds had gone to me and my students.
I was informed by someone from the district office, Beverly Kolestein, that this was actually “Mainstreaming” for these kids.
Mainstreaming used to mean placing handicapped students in regular classrooms with their higher-functioning peers. In District 75, “The Chancellor’s District” as it’s called – mainstreaming could mean anything the herd of paper-pushers at the district office wanted it to mean.
So you had already emotionally-disturbed children being treated in emotionally disturbing ways, they naturally resorted to their primary defense - acting out. You have a school that is not set up for this population. You have a principal who doesn’t know let alone care about anything except his next promotion. Then, you throw in a teacher who’s not properly prepared to meet the needs of these students and you have a volatile situation!
Mr. Hicks often marched his students through the hallways threatening them with a yardstick. He did no individualized instruction. He ran his class like it was the 1950’s with students taking turns doing computations on the blackboard as he chastised their abilities.
He began to let the larger students discipline the younger ones. They would go over to the student making a disruption and wallop them. The tried to do this in my computer lab and I was horrified. I not only put a stop to it, but began having these students create posters on the computer for the school’s Dean of Discipline.
These posters were for violence prevention explaining such methods as the Boil… Simmer… Cool System. They created colorful posters reminding students that they have a right to feel safe in school: No one is allowed to bully or hurt you etc. Mr. Hicks was angry I was working to undermine his authority!
One parent complained to me that her son had recently started beating on his younger siblings at home. I told her what I had seen the older students do to the younger ones to try to keep the class quiet. She was horrified. She wanted to confront Mr. Hicks. I told her to complain to Kevin McCormack, who according to a witness pointed the finger at me when he spoke to Mr. Hicks.
Guidance people eventually told Mr. Hicks to try rewards with these students. So as a “reward” he brought in a violent video game Bucket of Blood. After parent complaints, Mr. Hicks was made to remove this reward from his list of tried-and-true methods. Moreover, as part of a crackdown on what McCormack deemed unprofessional material, I was told to remove any and all computer games from my classroom.
I brought in articles I had written for professional journals showing how I used computer games for teaching on-the-job skills my students would need. I explained how the Board of Education had paid my expenses to present my research on computer games at the New England Educational Research Association Convention.
I had made a name for myself written the code for several games myself. They had proved quite successful with helping my students improve their overall performance. I tried to show how I went in and re-programmed commercial games to teach specific skills e.g. I changed the code in a Frogger-like game so that the students could only use the home keys they need to learn how to type.
An AP tried to intervene and suggested that I might know what I was doing, but she was over-ruled by Kevin McCormack. So I acquiesced, rather than risk charges of insubordination that would be grounds for dismissal. I agreed to remove the games, but kept using them to get students on task.
Michael Hicks was furious when he later found out that I was still getting away using computer games.
By now he was convinced that his computer money had been funneled off by me to run my computer lab. And he felt he found confirmation in the fact that Kevin McCormack began making me give my personal supplies to Mr. Hicks citing the usual shortage of funds because of “new restrictions by the District”
I was generous, even though most of these supplies had been bought from my personal Teachers’ Choice account and squirreled away by me over the years.
Other supplies, such as colored papers, I had bought on my own to meet the needs of my students I willing shared. Mr. Hicks was by now making his animosity toward me quite clear – however – to me meeting the needs of his student.
However, to Michael Hicks this was a sign of my weakness and proved I had taken funds that were rightfully his.
I have always been quite willing to go out of my way to help other teachers. Others had done a lot to help me out early on in my career. Such assistance is not totally free of serving my own self- interests: Problems in another teacher’s classroom have a way of undermining what you are trying to do in your own.
So I have always tried to help other teachers, and this you will see led to my eventual downfall at the hands of Mr. Hicks, with the tacit support of Kevin McCormack and eventually the support of people like Dudley Thompson, Michael Best and Richard Condon.All this will be explained in the next installment on Homophobia which I have saved for this year’s Gay Pride Weekend.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn
Firstr little housekeeping:
You can email me at LarryHayesNYC@aol.com
I do not mind posting all the work you proofreaders are doing for me.
I have Traumatic Brain Injuries. From this damage I have a very strange dyslexia– I not only reverse words, letters and numbers, I invert things I often read 6 as 9 and recently I had to meet some friends at 82th Street – I went instead to 85th That’s right I even confuse 5 and 2.
I have Double-Diplopia common with folks with TBIs. I see a showdown image both above and next to and image. I wear special prism glasses to help compensate for this annoying visual defect.
I use a good word processor to catch typos, but I still miss many so I appreciate the emails with corrections. And, yes, they would fill up the blog if posted – But, that’s the territory!!
I am severely disabled. Everything I do is a work-around. I do not mind people knowing this.
Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn
Currently I am waiting for the New York Department of Investigation to get back to me. I have sent them sharp reprimands for passing on my charges to Richard Condon to conduct the investigation because Richard Condon is one of the people who needs a thorough investigation.
I addressed my correspondence to Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn who runs the department. I doubt that she herself has ever heard any of my charges. I am sure middle-level administrators have botched the handling of my complaints.
As reported in the excellent blog the NYC Rubber Room:
Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn is the daughter of James Gill who helped clean up corruption in New York City schools. Jim Gill was the chairman of the Joint Commission On Integrity in the Public Schools in 1989. He was a superb investigator, and produced the reports that shook up the entire city.
It was Jim Gill’s superb work that led to the appointment of Edward Stancik as the first Special Commissioner of Investigation. Unfortunately after his untimely death
Richard Condon was chosen by Mayor Bloomberg also put the SCI’s Office under the control of the Department of Education – creating a permanent conflict of interest.
I will post the email, snail mail, and telephone number of Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn if I do not hear back from her people soon. Perhaps some of your calls and letters might get through to her.
I admire public servants such as Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn, Mayor Bloomberg, Chancellor Klein, and Manhattan Robert Morgenthau. I find it disgusting that the corruption on the middle administrative levels of their administrations undermine the changes they are struggling to make in New York City.
This is why I call this blog RottenRottenRotten !!!
I am totally disgusted at how this hidden level of dry rot eats away at the very foundations of our city. These corrupt networks of people work tirelessly only for the benefit of each other . They do not work for the public welfare or those well-meaning officials for whom they work; they work to promote the interests of each other.
City offices are filled with little fiefdoms who often work against the public good. Who has which rabbi determines what projects go ahead and which get lost in the shuffle.
You know - projects like, say… investigating why Richard Condon, Michael Best, Dudley Thompson covered up the malfeasance and crimes of Kevin McCormack.
You can email me at LarryHayesNYC@aol.com
I do not mind posting all the work you proofreaders are doing for me.
I have Traumatic Brain Injuries. From this damage I have a very strange dyslexia– I not only reverse words, letters and numbers, I invert things I often read 6 as 9 and recently I had to meet some friends at 82th Street – I went instead to 85th That’s right I even confuse 5 and 2.
I have Double-Diplopia common with folks with TBIs. I see a showdown image both above and next to and image. I wear special prism glasses to help compensate for this annoying visual defect.
I use a good word processor to catch typos, but I still miss many so I appreciate the emails with corrections. And, yes, they would fill up the blog if posted – But, that’s the territory!!
I am severely disabled. Everything I do is a work-around. I do not mind people knowing this.
Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn
Currently I am waiting for the New York Department of Investigation to get back to me. I have sent them sharp reprimands for passing on my charges to Richard Condon to conduct the investigation because Richard Condon is one of the people who needs a thorough investigation.
I addressed my correspondence to Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn who runs the department. I doubt that she herself has ever heard any of my charges. I am sure middle-level administrators have botched the handling of my complaints.
As reported in the excellent blog the NYC Rubber Room:
Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn is the daughter of James Gill who helped clean up corruption in New York City schools. Jim Gill was the chairman of the Joint Commission On Integrity in the Public Schools in 1989. He was a superb investigator, and produced the reports that shook up the entire city.
It was Jim Gill’s superb work that led to the appointment of Edward Stancik as the first Special Commissioner of Investigation. Unfortunately after his untimely death
Richard Condon was chosen by Mayor Bloomberg also put the SCI’s Office under the control of the Department of Education – creating a permanent conflict of interest.
I will post the email, snail mail, and telephone number of Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn if I do not hear back from her people soon. Perhaps some of your calls and letters might get through to her.
I admire public servants such as Commissioner Rose Gill Hearn, Mayor Bloomberg, Chancellor Klein, and Manhattan Robert Morgenthau. I find it disgusting that the corruption on the middle administrative levels of their administrations undermine the changes they are struggling to make in New York City.
This is why I call this blog RottenRottenRotten !!!
I am totally disgusted at how this hidden level of dry rot eats away at the very foundations of our city. These corrupt networks of people work tirelessly only for the benefit of each other . They do not work for the public welfare or those well-meaning officials for whom they work; they work to promote the interests of each other.
City offices are filled with little fiefdoms who often work against the public good. Who has which rabbi determines what projects go ahead and which get lost in the shuffle.
You know - projects like, say… investigating why Richard Condon, Michael Best, Dudley Thompson covered up the malfeasance and crimes of Kevin McCormack.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Thank you for your posting.COMMENT 1 on The Murphia
No, I'd say these guys are all cowards.
I will never publish a name, unless I am asked by the the writer to use their name.
But, I do need an email to contact each writer in private so I can check their sources. Have to check the validitiy of everything I put on my Blogs.
Over the years of working in the school system I’ve been told of mob involvement in the school bus drivers union and the bus companies themselves. There have been persistent rumors about the custodians union especially after their leader was gunned down a few years ago.
But "Fada Louie"? Hard to verify??? Here's all I know.
I was the computer expert at my school. I was often called out of class to repair computers at other schools and to attend advanced training sessions which were often held in the Bronx. An older teacher often covered some of my classes, and when I was headed to the Bronx he’d sometimes say, “Larry, say hello to Father Louie.”
I finally asked him who this Father Louie was and he told me about the Rev. Louis Gigante. He claimed he called the shots in what happened with District 75 and several other school districts in the Bronx. This teacher often would make remarks critical of Catholicism and different ethnic groups, so I took his assessment of this priest hard to believe.
However, when after I told a neighbor on Thompson Street that I had gotten an administrative position at the district office word spread through the neighborhood and several neighbors asked me if I knew who I was working for.
I’d mention the District Superintendent - “NO.”
The Chancellor??? and they’d say “NO”.
Who then? Each of them would say "The Chin"
Sometimes with a laugh, sometimes with a stern warning.
Somehow his connection with District 75 was well known in this area of Greenwich Village.
A school secretary was at a family event down Sullivan Street. Some relatives called her to the window saying: “Your boss is downstairs.”
She went to the window and looked down and there was Vincent Gigante in his bathrobe and slippers talking to himself.
I don’t know how this mob influence might also be connected to the Hibernians – except through the likes of people like Biaggi.
No, I'd say these guys are all cowards.
I will never publish a name, unless I am asked by the the writer to use their name.
But, I do need an email to contact each writer in private so I can check their sources. Have to check the validitiy of everything I put on my Blogs.
Over the years of working in the school system I’ve been told of mob involvement in the school bus drivers union and the bus companies themselves. There have been persistent rumors about the custodians union especially after their leader was gunned down a few years ago.
But "Fada Louie"? Hard to verify??? Here's all I know.
I was the computer expert at my school. I was often called out of class to repair computers at other schools and to attend advanced training sessions which were often held in the Bronx. An older teacher often covered some of my classes, and when I was headed to the Bronx he’d sometimes say, “Larry, say hello to Father Louie.”
I finally asked him who this Father Louie was and he told me about the Rev. Louis Gigante. He claimed he called the shots in what happened with District 75 and several other school districts in the Bronx. This teacher often would make remarks critical of Catholicism and different ethnic groups, so I took his assessment of this priest hard to believe.
However, when after I told a neighbor on Thompson Street that I had gotten an administrative position at the district office word spread through the neighborhood and several neighbors asked me if I knew who I was working for.
I’d mention the District Superintendent - “NO.”
The Chancellor??? and they’d say “NO”.
Who then? Each of them would say "The Chin"
Sometimes with a laugh, sometimes with a stern warning.
Somehow his connection with District 75 was well known in this area of Greenwich Village.
A school secretary was at a family event down Sullivan Street. Some relatives called her to the window saying: “Your boss is downstairs.”
She went to the window and looked down and there was Vincent Gigante in his bathrobe and slippers talking to himself.
I don’t know how this mob influence might also be connected to the Hibernians – except through the likes of people like Biaggi.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
The "MURPHIA" - Corruption in District 75

I had heard that if I wanted to get ahead in District 75, I had to become active in the Ancient Order of Hibernians, a Catholic, Irish-American Fraternal Organization founded in New York City in 1836. For years, I saw administrators who were not Irish-Catholic give their wholehearted support to the Board of Education’s Hibernian branch. I never realized the corruption behind this “old-boys” network until I met Mr. McCormack.
Kevin McCormack proved to be totally inappropriate for the Manhattan Occupational Center. He did not relate well with the students or fully understand them. His training had been with teaching the Hard of Hearing school population. He was totally unprepared for meeting the needs of the students at our school. The MOTC had been set up to provide job training for students with very limited abilities. Several times I had to tell him not to ask teachers “how retarded” they thought a student was right in front of the students.
I had to call him away several times when he’d be tearing into a teacher with a class of lower-functioning and emotionally-handicapped students. Verbally abusing their teacher in front of this type of student upset their already fragile trust in both the teacher and the school itself.
Parent support is important in meeting the needs of any school population. Such support is critical with Special Needs students. Study after study has proved that parental involvement can make the difference in a student’s achievement, indeed the success of the school.
Early on there was a meeting to set up a Parents’ Association at the MOTC. Under prior administrations there had been intense parent support for our activities. Parents had been a vital force in the school-based management teams that had helped run the school prior to the arrival of Kevin McCormack.
Kevin McCormack finally did set up an early-morning meeting suppossedly to reactivate our P. A.
About 10:30 AM I saw the principal escort the parents who had been chosen as officers to help run and expand the association into the teachers; lounge. Kevin McCormack asked the parents to take a seat. He said how busy he was running the school so they should wait there till the end of the school day. He promised he’d be back at around 3:30 with some legal papers they had to sign.
He then walked back. I came by the lounge an hour later and saw this group of dedicated parents who had taking time off from their jobs or their younger children to come to this meeting still sitting there. Finally as teachers filed in to eat their lunch, they realized that McCormack really meant what he had said - one by one they got up and drifted out of the room.
Weeks later at our teachers’ monthly after-school conference, Kevin McCormack boldly complained that he had tried to set up a new parents’ association - but though several parents had shown up - none of them would give it their active support!
How did this man get this job?
The committee to choose a new principal for our school met with the administrators at the District 75 Office. They were told they had to select Mr. McCormack. They objected because they had a better qualified candidate in none of our assistant principals. They were very disturbed that this man had never worked with a mentally-retarded population.
They were told that he was only going to be at the school a few years and then he’d be moving up to the a job at the district office and that would be good for the school!
Each time I was assaulted he had to cover up the crime Two gay-bashings would not look good on his resume. Kevin McCormack, was up for tenure and he did not want any of this to show on his record. He was also due his next promotion as soon as he put in the minimum amount of time as a principal.
He knew he could get away with not following the Chancellor’s Regulations and violating NY State Law because the same cronies in city government who were running patronage schemes in District 75 would protect him. After all they had been setting him up promotion after promotion.
Kevin McCormack also has a reputation for being a “very loose cannon“: his buddies had to protect him worried about what information he might let slip about how they operated behind the scenes in the district as a way of saving himself.
The reason an investigation is important at this time is that it will help expose the systematic corruption in School District 75. It was set up as the “Chancellor’s District” to keep it free from the politics in community control. Instead people like Kevin McCormack get almost automatic promotions and are appointed to posts over better qualified candidates.
How did this patronage scheme work? There was a system of quid pro quo skillfully managed by men in the Hibernian Society.
I only had the stomach to attend one Hibernian function. I was dragged there by a woman who wanted to get ahead in District 75,but also I really wanted to see this one! The disgraced Mario Biaggi was their Man of the Year. This St. Patrick’s Day gala was dedicated to celebrating his early release from prison on corruption charges!
After eating the obligatory corned beef and cabbage. I wandered around the large banquet hall. There in a secluded alcove sat the Man of the Year himself. A large group of Hispanic textbook salesmen were lined up to pay homage. I saw one after the other kneel and kiss his ring and then one knelt and placed his hands between Mr. Biaggi’s hands - as in the ancient gesture of pledging fealty to a medieval lord.
After that, someone tapped me on the shoulder and told me I had no business there. I left. However, later many of these salesmen were implicated in a scandal. So, this system of corruption is now clearly multicultural. Like any other pathogen this system of corruption has learned to mutate and change in order to adapt to more challenging environments.
When I first got this appointment to the District Office I was at a family gathering. An Irish aunt dragged me into an empty room. She was a long-time school secretary. She stared at me coldly: “I understand you are now working at the District 75’s central office.”
When I started to tell her about my job making training videos, she stopped me and warned me about the “Murphia”. I laughed because her last name was Murphy and thought she was joking. She gave me a sharp jab right to the center of my chest and said: “Keep your guard up, Larry! They pretend it is something cute they are pulling off there, but there is nothing cute about corruption. ”
After years of torment trying to get someone in New York City government to look into Kevin McCormack’s cover up of my assaults, nothing has happened. Complaint after complaint gets cutely side-tracked. My latest complaint and sworn affidavit have now made another set of rounds from bureau to bureau. It has wound up again in an office where they can do little about it!
I think I need somebody outside of New York City government to look into the corruption in District 75, the New York school system and the government itself.
I have seen reform after reform try to eliminate corruption in New York.
After they make reforms on the top and put tight controls as to what happens with then people who deal directly with the public, the corruption goes on. It is like dry rot. The top surface is clean, the bottom clear, but in the middle layers there is corrosion and decay. You have to understand that all the corruption that remains in New York City lies deep in the hidden levels of middle management the public rarely sees.
District 75,
NY City government
A few readers wrote and suggested that I tell them what my goals are.
Well, besides rooting out some of the corruption that runs through District 75, the Department of Education and the rest of NY city government - I need my assaults and the subsequent coverups investigated.
I want to know how the homophobic racist maniac who attacked me can be returned to the classroom. I want to know how a principal could destroy official records, concoct false documents, lie under oath in order to continue this cover up, and never be questioned by any of the people charged with investigating such wrongdoing.
I am pressing my case because I feel that city investigators have bought into the worst stereotypes of gay people. And, I am making it my business to make sure this never happens again!
Mr. Condon and others involved in the subsequent series of cover-ups have bought into this stereotype. I find this intolerable!
How could I be assaulted twice in front of many witnesses and it has been totally ignored. I filed the complaints with the police. Shaking with pain I dutifully filled out and filed appropriate Incident and Accident Forms. I filed my handwritten witness statement as required by law. No one cares to investigate why there are no other appropriate witness statements collected by the principal as required by law?
Many of these critical documents are missing, yet no one asks who took or destroyed them?
How could a principal be allowed to mislead a police investigation by using vulgar homophobic stereotypes to mislead the DA’s Office?
Kevin McCormack violated every one of the Chancellor’s Regulations on reporting school violence, yet no one has ever even questioned him on the matter? He even swore under oath that he was not familiar with these well-known regulations even though he was a Supervising Principal?
This same Supervising Principal swore he did not know what the responsibilities of a principal regarding the safety of students and staff, yet he was soon afterwards promoted to the post of Deputy Superintendent????
How could a principal be allowed to mislead a police investigation by using vulgar homophobic stereotypes and use them again and again to mislead the DA’s Office?
Has no one in New York City Government ever heard of Obstruction of Justice?
I need to also know why no one has investigated this extensive series of subsequent cover-ups.
The attorney who represented the Corporation Counsel’s Office in defense of the city HAD to be in collaboration with Kevin McCormack in order to let him present such bogus evidence and such bizarre testimony at my civil case.
Both Mr. Thompson and Mr. McCormack never notified the DOE that there was to be a court hearing as required by law. Thus, Kevin McCormack could fabricate implausible versions of events surrounding my two gay-bashings and not have his testimony vetted by anybody at the DOE, because anybody with any knowledge of educational policy would have thrown both this principal and this lawyer right out of the building.
Has no one in New York City Government ever heard of Conspiracy to Commit Fraud?
The Chancellor’s Chief Counsel received a sharp letter of reprimand from Chancellor Klein after Betsy Gotbaum informed the Chancellor about the continued cover-up of my gay bashing. As I have noted above, there was an investigation started... STARTED.
Once progress was made the Michael Best stopped all further investigation.
Why weren’t the Chancellor’s clear orders followed? Has no one in New York City Government ever heard of Insubordination and Conspiracy to Commit Fraud?
If cronyism is behind his refusal to investigate Kevin McCormack and Michael Best, he is the worst offender of the bunch. This is a complete betrayal of Trust!
The chief investigator for corruption at the Department of Education, Richard Condon, has for years treated my complaints and accusations as material for what amounts to a practical joke. Each time my letters wind up on his desk he forwards them to a department that has no jurisdiction over charges of corruption; the DOE's Office of Special Investigations mainly deals with corporal punishment and verbal abuse !
I have spoken to Mr. Hyland and others in OSI and they told me that they do NOT investigate such things as cover-ups and malfeasance by administrators.
When I asked Mr. Condon why his office repeatedly sends my complaints to an office that is not equipped to investigate it, he sent me a letter stating that his decisions were at his discretion and he does not have to explain them to others.
Has no one in New York City Government ever heard of Edward F. Stancik???
According to ParentAdvocates.org
The problems that exist in the NYC school system also stem from the Department of Investigation not doing the work that they are mandated to do. They seldom investigate anything that an 'ordinary' citizen or parent of a public school child, reports, and when a teacher calls to ask for an investigation, it is the teacher/parent/child who is investigated. They dont like people who call their bluff, either.
Well, besides rooting out some of the corruption that runs through District 75, the Department of Education and the rest of NY city government - I need my assaults and the subsequent coverups investigated.
I want to know how the homophobic racist maniac who attacked me can be returned to the classroom. I want to know how a principal could destroy official records, concoct false documents, lie under oath in order to continue this cover up, and never be questioned by any of the people charged with investigating such wrongdoing.
I am pressing my case because I feel that city investigators have bought into the worst stereotypes of gay people. And, I am making it my business to make sure this never happens again!
Mr. Condon and others involved in the subsequent series of cover-ups have bought into this stereotype. I find this intolerable!
How could I be assaulted twice in front of many witnesses and it has been totally ignored. I filed the complaints with the police. Shaking with pain I dutifully filled out and filed appropriate Incident and Accident Forms. I filed my handwritten witness statement as required by law. No one cares to investigate why there are no other appropriate witness statements collected by the principal as required by law?
Many of these critical documents are missing, yet no one asks who took or destroyed them?
How could a principal be allowed to mislead a police investigation by using vulgar homophobic stereotypes to mislead the DA’s Office?
Kevin McCormack violated every one of the Chancellor’s Regulations on reporting school violence, yet no one has ever even questioned him on the matter? He even swore under oath that he was not familiar with these well-known regulations even though he was a Supervising Principal?
This same Supervising Principal swore he did not know what the responsibilities of a principal regarding the safety of students and staff, yet he was soon afterwards promoted to the post of Deputy Superintendent????
How could a principal be allowed to mislead a police investigation by using vulgar homophobic stereotypes and use them again and again to mislead the DA’s Office?
Has no one in New York City Government ever heard of Obstruction of Justice?
I need to also know why no one has investigated this extensive series of subsequent cover-ups.
The attorney who represented the Corporation Counsel’s Office in defense of the city HAD to be in collaboration with Kevin McCormack in order to let him present such bogus evidence and such bizarre testimony at my civil case.
Both Mr. Thompson and Mr. McCormack never notified the DOE that there was to be a court hearing as required by law. Thus, Kevin McCormack could fabricate implausible versions of events surrounding my two gay-bashings and not have his testimony vetted by anybody at the DOE, because anybody with any knowledge of educational policy would have thrown both this principal and this lawyer right out of the building.
Has no one in New York City Government ever heard of Conspiracy to Commit Fraud?
The Chancellor’s Chief Counsel received a sharp letter of reprimand from Chancellor Klein after Betsy Gotbaum informed the Chancellor about the continued cover-up of my gay bashing. As I have noted above, there was an investigation started... STARTED.
Once progress was made the Michael Best stopped all further investigation.
Why weren’t the Chancellor’s clear orders followed? Has no one in New York City Government ever heard of Insubordination and Conspiracy to Commit Fraud?
If cronyism is behind his refusal to investigate Kevin McCormack and Michael Best, he is the worst offender of the bunch. This is a complete betrayal of Trust!
The chief investigator for corruption at the Department of Education, Richard Condon, has for years treated my complaints and accusations as material for what amounts to a practical joke. Each time my letters wind up on his desk he forwards them to a department that has no jurisdiction over charges of corruption; the DOE's Office of Special Investigations mainly deals with corporal punishment and verbal abuse !
I have spoken to Mr. Hyland and others in OSI and they told me that they do NOT investigate such things as cover-ups and malfeasance by administrators.
When I asked Mr. Condon why his office repeatedly sends my complaints to an office that is not equipped to investigate it, he sent me a letter stating that his decisions were at his discretion and he does not have to explain them to others.
Has no one in New York City Government ever heard of Edward F. Stancik???
According to ParentAdvocates.org
The problems that exist in the NYC school system also stem from the Department of Investigation not doing the work that they are mandated to do. They seldom investigate anything that an 'ordinary' citizen or parent of a public school child, reports, and when a teacher calls to ask for an investigation, it is the teacher/parent/child who is investigated. They dont like people who call their bluff, either.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Let Me Explain that Profile
I taught in NYC schools for 30 years. In 1996 a deranged homophobic colleague entered my classroom and severely battered me.
I was out for a week. My principal never reported it. He promised me I would be guaranteed protection if I would come back to the school.
My first day back, this same disturbed man burst into my computer lab and began throwing things around. When he went to the closet holding my students’ spring projects, I stood in front of the steel door to prevent him from tampering with them. He took the adjoining steel door and pinned me in between them.
He threw himself against the door as I struggled to get free. I many suffered blows to the front and back and left and right of my head as I twisted myself around trying to get free. He began throwing himself against the door in a series of drop-kicks as I slumped to the floor unconscious.
When I came to, he was standing at the door of the computer lab laughing. My students that period were young emotionally-disturbed women of limited academic ability. I could see the look of horror in their eyes. Not wishing to panic them further I had someone call down for help.
The principal showed up. I did not want to scandalize the special education student body. The principal suggested he escort me to the police station. As soon as I was safely off school grounds, he left me after briefly apologizing for not reprimanding my assailant after the first attack.
The principal had done his job! He got me off school grounds so he felt his ass was covered. He never forwarded the accident and incident witness reports. He lied to the DA; using gay stereotypes he described me as a little fa*got afraid of my assailant because he was black. He showed up years later in court where I was trying to get compensation for my pain and suffering and basically presented the same version of my assaults – saying they were just “pushing-incidents”.
I have tried for years to have this principal investigated only to find out that he is protected by his cronies in the Dept. of Ed. And the city’s Department of Investigation. Now I want him and his cronies investigated for the thirteen-year cover-up.
In pounding on doors I have discovered a web of cronyism that runs throughout the middle management of the city.
In fact, in some cases it RUNS the middle-management system!
I was out for a week. My principal never reported it. He promised me I would be guaranteed protection if I would come back to the school.
My first day back, this same disturbed man burst into my computer lab and began throwing things around. When he went to the closet holding my students’ spring projects, I stood in front of the steel door to prevent him from tampering with them. He took the adjoining steel door and pinned me in between them.
He threw himself against the door as I struggled to get free. I many suffered blows to the front and back and left and right of my head as I twisted myself around trying to get free. He began throwing himself against the door in a series of drop-kicks as I slumped to the floor unconscious.
When I came to, he was standing at the door of the computer lab laughing. My students that period were young emotionally-disturbed women of limited academic ability. I could see the look of horror in their eyes. Not wishing to panic them further I had someone call down for help.
The principal showed up. I did not want to scandalize the special education student body. The principal suggested he escort me to the police station. As soon as I was safely off school grounds, he left me after briefly apologizing for not reprimanding my assailant after the first attack.
The principal had done his job! He got me off school grounds so he felt his ass was covered. He never forwarded the accident and incident witness reports. He lied to the DA; using gay stereotypes he described me as a little fa*got afraid of my assailant because he was black. He showed up years later in court where I was trying to get compensation for my pain and suffering and basically presented the same version of my assaults – saying they were just “pushing-incidents”.
I have tried for years to have this principal investigated only to find out that he is protected by his cronies in the Dept. of Ed. And the city’s Department of Investigation. Now I want him and his cronies investigated for the thirteen-year cover-up.
In pounding on doors I have discovered a web of cronyism that runs throughout the middle management of the city.
In fact, in some cases it RUNS the middle-management system!
corruption New York City,
Tammany Hall,
Monday, June 15, 2009
Small Potatos
Well not only am I dealing with what some would call “small potatoes” in the grander scheme of things. They are also cold potatoes, sitting on the plate too long. However, like rotten produce thrown at politicians for countless millennium, let’s see if they can act as an agent of change – or at least get their notice.
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