This all started with an investigation into a series of gay bashings at a NYC public school. But one thing led to another and now we can see who pulls the strings at the New York City Department of Education.
How could they get away with it in one of the most “liberal” cities, and right in the heart of Greenwich Village itself? It appears for all the reforms NY City is still in the grips of 19th Century political machines.
I have emailed, called and written Chancellor Klein and other city officials time and again, and have never had any response. If any of you can get around the “gatekeepers” for Michael Bloomberg or Chancellor Klein it would be greatly appreciated!
The system of patronage and malfeasance that led to McCormack’s phenomenal rise to power has also taken on the task of protecting him. It has a venerable linage which extends way back over the ages.
The people who have helped Kevin McCormack are in direct apostolic succession right back to the grubby little hands of Boss Tweed.
The charges of corruption and malfeasance hardly stood in the way of Kevin McCormack’s ascension to the pinnacles of power in District 75 – the Chancellor’s District!
Yes, I and others had brought charges against Kevin McCormack for misappropriation of funds, covering up assaults on staff and students, perjury, destroying official records, creating bogus records and other assorted pranks. But he was the fair-haired boy of those quaint little Ancient Hibernians so what the Hell!
I bet the Chancellor would laugh if he knew the prank these Hibernians pulled off !
Our Public Advocate, Betsy Gotbaum, was the only official in city government who had the guts to tell the chancellor what was being done in his name. Chancellor Klein looked into the matter and was outraged that there could be an on-going cover-up of two gay-bashings and all sorts of malfeasance bu Kevin McCormack and his cronies. He wrote Michael Best a sharp letter of criticism and demanded an immediate investigation.
Kevin McCormack's cronies at the Chancellor's Office quickly put a halt to this on-going investigation into McCormack’s various shenanigans mid-summer 2006.
Chancellor Klein was somehow convinced that Kevin McCormack had somehow been cleared of the uninvestigated charges. The Chancellor elevated McCormack to the post of Deputy Superintendent for District 75.
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