They gathered together in a lumber yard. No suit jackets or ties...
Sleeves rolled up – as if any of them had ever done an honest day’s work!
Thus the Republicans presented their Pledge to America.
Cutting taxes, reducing spending, stopping Health Care Reform etc.
Nothing too radical. Nothing to get upset about…
However, the Pledge does not reveal their real Plan.
The real goal for Republicans on
Tuesday November 2, 2010
is to get
Subpoena Power
So they can destroy the Obama presidency!!!
JOBSGATE Revisited:
All they need is a majority in the House, and b o o m those subpoenas will start flying!
Rep. Michele Bachmann has said that subpoenaing and investigating the Obama administration is "all we should do" if Republicans gain control of Congress!!!
(Of course, these are the same Republicans who are so controlled by special interests that they just stopped the House from being able to issue any subpoenas to BP. Now, their friends at BP will never have to testify under oath about their role in the oil spill)
However, Rahm Emanuel, White House Deputy Chief of Staff Jim Messina, and other White House aides will be subpoenaed after the election.
The Republican members of the Senate Judiciary Committee have sent a letter to Attorney General Holder asking him to name a special prosecutor to investigate. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), senior Republican on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform has suggested subpoenas if the Justice Department does not start a criminal investigation of the White House.
UPDATE: Republican leaders have suddenly grown quiet on the issue prior to Election Day.
However, once they have power in the House there will be calls to subpoena Emanuel, Messina et al.
Were federal crimes committed?
What did Obama know, and when did he know it?
Is this what Obama meant when he said he was going to “create jobs”?
Then - the Republicans can start deep-sea fishing over WH policies:
Has Emanuel, fearing subpoenas to the Obama White House staff (as did Ruff and Mikva in the Clinton era), re-instituted this "no notes" policy at the Obama White House in his role as White House Chief of Staff? WHY?
Has a "no notes" policy been discussed with Obama White House Counsel Robert Bauer &/or Greg Craig? WHY?
The goal is to use the House subpoena powers in order to tie up Obama and stop tax reform. Does not matter if anything ever comes of these “investigations”! Just stop reform.
After Election Day things will get MUCH dirtier.
Go to Google:
Type in: Impeach Obama
Google results:
About 675,000 results (0.29 seconds)
A national day of protest for the impeachment of Obama is scheduled for November, 13, 2010.
National Impeach Obama Tea Party / Protest – WordPress
National Impeach Obama Tea Party / Protest – FaceBook
Be a part of it!!!
You do not have to be a Tea Party organizer. If you want to organize an Impeach Obama event for November 13th, just find a busy street intersection that would make a likely site, create an event on FaceBook, send us a link, time, date and the contact info and the Tea Party will add you to the list, linking to your event!!!
REMEMBER:Impeachment is a political trial and not a criminal trial.
In 1970, Gerald R. Ford, the then majority leader of the House of Representatives, wrote the following: “An impeachable offense is whatever a majority of the House of Representatives considers it to be at a given moment in history.“
Click here to see Gerald Ford’s complete remarks on impeachment.
NOTE: To impeach a president, there is no need for the public to cite any specific legal crime.
“It’s time to impeach Obama for high crimes against U.S.” by Joe Kovac of World Net Daily
“Obama Must be Impeached: He’s Either Incompetent, or Purposely Failing” by the Canada Free Press
“President’s socialist takeover must be stopped” by Jeffery T. Kuhner of the Washington Times
"The Case for Impeachment" by Thomas Tancredo for The Washington Times